5 Basit Teknikleri için C# IList Kullanımı

It's always best to use the lowest base type possible. This gives the implementer of your interface, or consumer of your method, the opportunity to use whatever they like behind the scenes.

From this it follows that your method implementation birey represent its local variables however you wish. The implementation details are hamiş exposed. Leaving you free to change your code to something better without affecting the people calling your code.

Koleksiyonlar, verileri sınırlı bir düzende depolamak ve yönetmek sinein kullanılan veri konstrüksiyonlarıdır. CollectionBase ile kendi koleksiyonlarınızı oluştururken, bu veri mimarilarını elan dinamik ve verimli bir şekilde kullanabilirsiniz.

David MillsDavid Mills 2,41511 gold badge2323 silver badges2525 bronze badges 6 2 The right approach really would have been to offer an ISortableList interface (with methods to sort a portion of the list using some particular comparer), have List implement it, and have a static method which could sort any IList by checking whether it implemented ISortableList and, if derece, copying it to an array, sorting that, clearing the IList, and re-adding the items.

Your code is now broken, because int[] implements IList, but is of fixed size. The contract for ICollection (the base of IList) requires the code that uses it to check the IsReadOnly flag before attempting to add or remove items from the collection. The contract for List does hamiş.

You emanet have an instance of an interface, but you need to initialize it with a class that implements that interface such bey:

Remove Silinmesini istenilen değeri siler. Silinecek C# IList Kullanımı valör liste içinde yekten lüks olması durumunda ilk değeri kaldırır. Bu metodu ekseri referans tipler ile şayan çıkarmak derunin kullanılır. Lakin kırat tipleri ile bile C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız kullanılabilir.

Don't you know in advance if your method needs a list that can take additional members; don't you specify that in the method signature? What exactly were you going to do if you C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız were passed a read only list like int[]?

If you are exposing your class through a library that others will use, you generally want to expose it via interfaces rather than concrete implementations.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Ad get return ad; takım ad = value; public string Soyad get return soyad; grup soyad = value;

By asking for more than you need, you (1) make the caller do unnecessary work to satisfy your unnecessary demands, and (2) communicate falsehoods to the reader. Ask only for what you're going to use. That way if the caller başmaklık a sequence, they don't need to call ToList on it to satisfy your demand.

Is IList a good fit for your organisation? If a colleague asks you to change a method signature to use IList instead of List, ask them how they'd add an element to an IList. If they don't know about IsReadOnly (and most people don't), then don't use IList. Ever.

In collections of contiguous elements, such birli lists, the elements that follow the insertion point move down to accommodate the new element.

The other general reason C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız for using interfaces is to expose the asgari amount of knowledge necessary to the user of an object. Consider the (contrived) case where I have a veri object that implements IList.

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